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How to Send Mail from Module

Email support can be a very strong drupal capability.
You can create emails according to events, news, etc. with personalization and desired format and template.
In some cases, you need to define the email in a way that it will not appear as spam on the target email server.

Email on general drupal events like creating new articles are covered with the rules module and you don't need to program their email support.

entityQuery intro and examples

A node can include a few fields.
Every field is a table in the database.
So If I need to find a specific node, doing it with SQL means doing complicated queries, which might have few joins and many conditions, The Drupal platform created a simpler way to deal with it: EntityQuery

DrupalVIP technical notebook & support

$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
  ->condition('type', 'page')
  ->condition('field_some_field', 14)
$results = $query->execute();

AngularJS Vs ReactJS comparison

Web development teams across the world highly prefer AngularJS and ReactJS.
However, technical decision-makers, like project managers and development managers face the dilemma of choosing between the two.
As you will agree, every business has its unique development needs. Therefore, there is no standalone framework that would suit the varied development needs.
We’ve attempted to offer a detailed comparison to support the business processes.

Drupal And React

Its time for a more powerful client-side with drupal, and we can do this with React

So, what is React and how can we integrate it with Drupal. I will try to answer both questions and more within this article.

React is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to create interactive user interfaces. 

Drupal is a content management system (CMS) with a powerful web services API.

Fetch and display data from API in React js

When you develop an application, you will often need to fetch data from a backend or a third-party API. 
In this article, I will try to go through the process of fetching and displaying data from a server using React Fetch.

DrupalVIP technical notebook & support

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";

function handleClick() {
    alert('You clicked node ');

export default function RWTaskIssues({nodeid}) {        
    const FetchAPI = '/rwtask/issues?task=' + nodeid + '&op=get';
    console.log("api fetch: " + FetchAPI);
    const [issues, setIssues] = useState([]);
    const fetchData = () => {
            .then(response => {
                return response.json();
            .then(response => {
                console.log("response data: " +;

    useEffect( () => {
    }, []) ;   
    console.log("issues data: " + issues);
    return (
        <div className="block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknoderwtaskfield-rwtask-issue">
            <h2 className="block-title">תיאור הבעיה</h2>
            <div className="block-content">               
                {issues.length > 0 && (
                    <div className="field field-name-field-rwtask-issue field-type-text-long field-label-hidden field-items">
                        { => (
                            <div key={item.key} className="field-item" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: item.value}} />
                        ) ) }
                <button onClick={handleClick}>

How to change an existing Drupal form

Changing an existing form is one of the first things that new Drupal developers will learn how to do. 

It is a natural extension from site building, where you might need to change one thing on a form created by a core or contributed module. 

One of the benefits of using the Form API to construct forms is that any module can alter any other module's form. 

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to alter a Drupal form.