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How to prepare to Migrate if you are on Drupal 7

Drupal Migration

If you are on Drupal 7 or earlier, start your upgrade to Drupal 9 with this upgrade process. 

  • Review upgrade paths: Find out which contributed modules don’t have Drupal 9 releases and find alternatives. Many contributed modules did not provide an upgrade path, so you might have to migrate your configuration changes manually.
  • Rewrite any custom modules: The code you wrote for custom work in Drupal 7 will no longer work in Drupal 9.
  • Take stock of your content: Delete/archive anything you don’t need.
  • Migrate your configuration: This includes content types, taxonomies, module configuration, etc.
  • Migrate content: Use the core Migrate suite (in Drupal 9) to automatically move content (nodes, users, terms, etc.).
  • Rebuild “complex” layouts: If you were using Panels, Page Manager, Panelizer, Context, etc., to build complex pages (like your homepage), you will need to rebuild those pages using Layout Builder, Paragraphs or directly in the Twig templates.
  • Re-write your theme: Drupal 7 used PHPTemplate, and Drupal 9 is using Twig for a template engine.


Drupal Migration Services 

Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 are nearing the end of their lifecycle, but change brings many exciting opportunities.

Many Drupal migrations require multiple digital properties, enhanced workflow capabilities, and custom integrations.

The DrupalVIP team comprises experts with extensive industry experience.

We use ready-to-deploy migration modules to provide a smooth, agile, and satisfactory Drupal migration process.

DrupalVIP specializes in Drupal migration services and can help you in

  • Drupal 7 or 8 to 9 migration
  • Upgrading from Drupal 6 to the latest version
  • Drupal 10 readiness audit and support
  • Multisite migration to Drupal 9
  • WordPress to Drupal migration
  • Drupal 9 module development
  • Typo3 to Drupal 9 migration


Become a Growth Example with Drupal

The Drupal security team will soon cease to provide security advisories, wavering the websites and cyber security.

Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 versions will get flagged as insecure in the 3rd party scans.

Drupal 8 already ended in November 2021.

Hence it is essential to plan and execute your Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 Migration or from any other version, before facing any security implications.

With the end of Drupal security support for the older versions, there would be many.

The expected release date for Drupal 10 is 14th December 2022.

The new features include Olivero default theme that is replacing Bartik, Claro administration theme which will replace Seven, CKEditor 5 which will offer a better authoring experience and more modern editing, modern JavaScript components to replace some uses of jQuery, Symfony 6 which will replace Symfony 4 and PHP 8.1 and so much more!