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Multiple security updates have been released

Multiple security updates have been released today for contributed modules on 
If you use the REST Views or Advanced Progressive Web App (PWA) modules, you should update as soon as possible to ensure your site's security.
The REST Views module had a moderately critical information disclosure vulnerability. 
Versions before 3.0.1 did not properly check access, potentially exposing paths to unpublished content and entities referenced from REST exports. 

Its time to upgrade to Drupal10

Drupal has been found to have a lower approval rating among new users compared to expert users. 
This led to an initiative being launched by Drupal's founder, Dries Buytaert, to address the needs of beginner users. 
This initiative bundles together three modules - Media, Layout Builder, and Claro - that together create a more user-friendly experience for new users. 

Drupal 10 will be supported until the release of Drupal 12

Drupal 10 will be supported until the release of Drupal 12 in mid-late 2026
Beginning with Drupal 10, a new Drupal major version will be released every two years in even years (2022, 2024, etc.). 
Each major version will receive active support for about two years, followed by maintenance support and security coverage for about two more years. 
Each is supported until two more major versions have been released.

Drupal 9.5.0 is End-Of-Life

The fifth and final feature release of Drupal 9 brings a stable CKEditor 5 module, a command line theme generator, and helps prepare for your update to Drupal 10. 
Bugfixes will be provided for Drupal 9.5 until June 2023 and security fixes will be provided until November 2023.