Drupal is at the top of the charts for performance

On the surface, this doesn't make sense. Any average D10 site is probably one of the most complex #symfony apps in the world. When Drupal 8 was being built, I remember how the community found and patched a ton of edge case bugs in PHP and Symfony because it is SO BIG and so complex. So - how on earth can it possibly be more performant than Symfony itself or Laravel, or even close to CodeIgniter which is optimized for performance?

Drupal 9.5.0 is End-Of-Life

The fifth and final feature release of Drupal 9 brings a stable CKEditor 5 module, a command line theme generator, and helps prepare for your update to Drupal 10. 
Bugfixes will be provided for Drupal 9.5 until June 2023 and security fixes will be provided until November 2023.

Drupal 10 will be supported until the release of Drupal 12

Drupal 10 will be supported until the release of Drupal 12 in mid-late 2026
Beginning with Drupal 10, a new Drupal major version will be released every two years in even years (2022, 2024, etc.). 
Each major version will receive active support for about two years, followed by maintenance support and security coverage for about two more years. 
Each is supported until two more major versions have been released.

Drupal Integrate Text Editors

I always wonder, does Drupal integrate only with CKEditor for its long text editing needs...

so, I just found a few text editors that should be tested and checked

I will try to give some overview on them, please feel free to comment and give to community of your own experience